Patients with Early Stage Cancers (e.g. cancer has not spread, likely curable) |
“I have just been diagnosed with cancer and I want to do everything possible to ensure optimal therapy.”
,We believe that optimal cancer therapy is more than just choosing the right operation or getting the right chemotherapy. Cancer therapy should include the entire person and not just the tumour. Traditional therapies are often deficient in that sense. We focus on completing your therapy to ensure your physical, emotional, spiritual, financial and social well-being are addressed. We integrate natural therapies and other healing modalities into your care plan. With treatments starting at less than $2 per day, we can find therapies that are affordable for almost anyone.
“I have decided not to take conventional treatment after understanding the risks and benefits.”Overall! We do not recommend replacing conventional cancer therapies with non-traditional therapies! since conventional therapies have been well-studied and are the most proven treatments available. However we recognize that for some patients, certain conventional therapies are unacceptable due to their philosophical disagreement with them or due to serious concerns for maintaining quality of life. We meet many patients who review the risks and benefits of conventional therapies in detail with their oncology physicians, and refuse them due to significant risks. We do have a number of therapies available to address this need. Patients must already be fully informed of the risks and benefits of traditional therapies before choosing this route. For example, chemotherapy may be appropriate, with preliminary data showing that it may offer an excellent chance of response or remission, even for early stage 4 cancers. The key to a smooth course of chemotherapy combined with our treatment is good communication between you and your care team.