Patients with Advanced Stage Cancers (e.g. cancer is not considered curable, cancer has spread) |
CBD International employs different cancer treatment modalities for advanced stage cancer patients. A cancer is said to be in an advanced stage when it has spread from the original origin into other organs of the body, this progression is also known as metastasis and unless a metastasis is singular—meaning that it has only spread in to one specific location—and it’s still accessible, it usually means that the cancer will no longer be curable with localized therapies such as surgery or radiotherapy.
We offer treatments/therapies that may still be undergoing scientific research, and have varying levels of evidence to support their effectiveness. We focus on gentle treatments/therapies that target the affected area's without damaging your body or compromising your immune system. all the while improving quality of life at the same time. CBD International late stage alternative cancer treatment options for patients going through late stage and metastasis has been CO210 & CO210R Series, an effective pain treatment option protocol for a decade now, and continues being an effective treatment for reduction in pain and inflamation as a traditional cancer treatment. |
“I am receiving palliative care, but I would like something to treat the cancer that can also enhance quality of life.”Some therapies are designed to treat your cancer, but are generally considered non-curative. These may be labeled palliative, such as palliative chemotherapy. In other cases, palliative may refer to therapies that do not treat the cancer but only provide comfort measures / quality of life enhancements like boosting appetite or controlling pain. We offer treatment/therapies that are able to gently treat the cancer without the potential serious side effects of palliative chemotherapy. Since these treatments work in different ways (e.g. blocking cancer cell glucose use, blocking blood vessel growth in tumours, enhancing natural anti-cancer immunity or triggering natural cancer cell death), they are gentler and also enhance quality of life while killing the cancer at the same time.
“I have a slow growing cancer or concurrent serious health problems and have been told not to take treatment until the cancer gets worse.”Due to toxicity, which is common with conventional therapies, there may be more risk than benefit in treating patients with underlying health problems such as angina, stroke, advanced age, renal failure, heart failure, ongoing infection, organ transplant, bone marrow failure. Also, conventional chemotherapy generally works poorly on slow-growing cancers. In such cases, gentler therapies may be offered which have preliminary supporting scientific evidence for their effectiveness. Oncologists rarely offer such treatments because the formal research involving these drugs may still be in early stages. The therapies we offer do not weaken the immune system, and in some cases will treat the cancer while simultaneously improving underlying health problems!