Cancer Fighting FoodsKetogenic and other dietary programs for cancer patients must be followed to weaken cancer cells. When evaluating any cancer, regardless of the stage or faction, it is vital to pinpoint the cause. Although there are varying ideas afloat, you’ll be hard-pressed to find those who do not agree that the immune system is the catalyst between cancer development and its reversal. In the words of Dr. Ben Johnson, “With every cancer patient, their immune system has missed the cancer.” We can see the way in which the general public and Orthodox Medicine alike, are unknowingly depleting the supply of immune cells and creating a chronic state of susceptibility. Aside from chemotherapy and radiation being strong-armed into the Public mindset, we are personally killing our natural defences while fueling cancer cells every day. There are other alternative cancer treatments other than the obvious ones stated above when everything else has failed.
Compromising Immunity - Sugar
The Founder of the American Anti-Cancer Institute (AACI), Bob Wright, adds, “One can of [soda] has enough sugar to shut down 50% of our immune system for a minimum of 4 hours.” When we consume sugar, we are simultaneously shutting off our defences while pouring gasoline on the fire that is cancer. When we take into account that “50 to 70% of our total immune system cells cannot see cancer … even on our best day,” the notion of adding it to our diet seems even more blasphemous.
A strict Ketogenic type diet for cancer patients, which calls for minimizing carbohydrates and replacing them with healthy fats and moderate amounts of high-quality protein, can offer hope against cancer — both for prevention and treatment. Your normal cells have the metabolic flexibility to adapt to using ketone bodies from using glucose. Cancer cells lack this ability so when you reduce carbs to only non-starchy vegetables, you effectively starve the cancer. You can also read about foods that prevent cancer cells from growing. Mitochondria is the main power generator in your cells and is believed to be the central point in the origins of many cancers. Your mitochondria can be damaged not only by inherited mutations but also by a wide variety of environmental factors and toxins. Following a strict ketogenic type diet for cancer patients combined with fasting has remarkable health benefits and strengthens your mitochondria network systems throughout your body. As long as your mitochondria remains healthy and functional, it’s very unlikely that cancer will develop. InsulinWe tend to consume diets high in saturated fats; we tend to carry extra weight around the abdominal area because we eat larger meals than those in more deprived countries; and we engage in a more sedentary lifestyle. All these factors increase insulin production, which stimulates the production of free IGF-1. Foods that increase insulin and free IGF-1 levels in the bloodstream will ultimately stimulate cancer’s progress. These two hormones are even involved in the defense mechanism cancer uses to protect itself against chemotherapy, a diet that keeps levels of these hormones low will ultimately inhibit cancer’s progression. It really is that simple.
What to Eat |
Ideally, it’s desirable for individuals to adopt a vegan or wholly plant based diet, with one exception: The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil present numerous benefits, and fish oil capsules do not increase insulin levels. A vegan diet is low-fat (only 15% of dietary calories should come from fats), is moderate in protein, and incorporates whole-food carbohydrate sources that are low on the glycemic index: semolina or wholegrain pastas, whole fruits, and whole-grain products like sprouted wheat breads (instead of wheat-flour breads). Further, because high-glycemic-index carbs can boost insulin levels, the diet should provide carbohydrates from sources that are low in glycemic index. For instance, as even carrot juice has quite a bit of natural sugar, we recommend green vegetable juices.
For instance, cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale are rich in sulforaphane, while onions and garlic contain allicin. Both compounds are proven to inhibit or slow the growth of cancer cells and cause the cells to produce higher levels of antioxidants as well as enzymes that detoxify the body. These foods also can increase the ability of healthy tissues to cope with chemotherapeutic drugs and radiotherapy. In addition, they may present post-treatment benefits by helping to block the development of additional cancers.
Another food with powerful anti-cancer properties, a must for any anticancer diet, is spirulina, a supplement produced primarily from two species of blue-green algae. Spirulina contains a phytonutrient that blocks a signal pathway that makes cancer cells more aggressive and that protects them from programmed cell death. In addition, spirulina contains polysaccharides that boost the ability of the immune system’s natural killer (NK) cells to block metastasis. |
Eliminating Toxins |
Many people believe it’s normal to move their bowels every two to three days; actually, people need to move their bowels two to three times each day. This is especially important for cancer patients, and, unfortunately, many cancer therapies are constipating. A constipated person is not eliminating toxins. In fact, toxins, including chemotherapy, are recycled, thus exposing patients to devastating side effects again and again.
A high-fiber diet is critical to detoxing the body. Many phytonutrients found in vegetables, herbs, and fruits influence detoxification pathways, improve the liver’s function, and help the bowels move. Sulforaphane, present in broccoli sprouts, specifically stimulates liver detoxification. We intervene simultaneously in as many ways as feasible to promote cancer cells’ death and block their spread. This is the most effective way to control cancers and keep them from becoming aggressive. Using food as a cancer treatment is one such intervention. How foolish would we be not to acknowledge the impact of nutrition in that effort? So much evidence clearly shows a range of cancer-specific benefits that can derive from a healthy diet. We are so adamant about this that we consider the cooks at our hospital a part of the patient’s healing team. That’s why we provide cooking classes during treatment and send people home with recipes and recorded cooking classes on their tablets. |
Protein Needs During Cancer and other serious Treatments
What if I am lactose intolerant?Low lactose milks (such as Lactaid®), cheeses, and ice cream are available. Individuals who are mildly lactose intolerant can often tolerate yogurt and fattier dairy foods such as cheese and ice cream. Milk alternates can be used instead of milk but it is important to note that protein content of these products varies and may not be the same as that of cow’s milk. Lactaid® pills, which contain the enzyme that digests milk, can also be taken before eating a dairy food and are available at most pharmacies.
Why is an adequate calorie and protein intake important? To ensure that the protein you eat is used for essential body functions, you must get the calories your body needs. If you do not consume enough calories to maintain your weight, your body will use protein for energy rather than to support essential body functions. |
What are some high protein snacks?
How can I add protein to food?